The Parables

Here is a list of ~40 parables told by Jesus in the New Testament:

  1. The Two Builders (Matthew 7:24–27; Luke 6:46–49)
  2. The Sprouting Seed (Mark 4:26–29)
  3. The Children of the Marketplace (Matthew 11:16–19; Luke 7:31–32)
  4. The Unclean Spirit (Matthew 12:43–45; Luke 11:24–26)
  5. Tree and Its Fruit (Matthew 12:33–37; Luke 6:43–45)
  6. The Strongman’s House (Matthew 12:29–30; Luke 11:21–23)
  7. The Sower and the Seed (Matthew 13:3–9; Mark 4:1–9; Luke 8:4–8)
  8. The Wheat and the Tares (Matthew 13:24–30)
  9. The Mustard Seed (Matthew 13:31–32; Mark 4:30–32; Luke 13:18–20)
  10. Leaven in the Dough (Matthew 13:33; Luke 13:20–21)
  11. The Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13:44)
  12. The Pearl of Great Price (Matthew 13:45–46)
  13. The Dragnet (Matthew 13:47–50)
  14. Treasures New and Old (Matthew 13:52)
  15. The Moneylender (Luke 7:41–43)
  16. The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–42)
  17. The Friend in Need (Luke 11:5–8)
  18. The Rich Fool (Luke 12:15–21)
  19. The Master’s Return (Luke 12:35–40)
  20. The Unfruitful Fig Tree (Luke 13:6–9)
  21. The Great Banquet (Luke 14:15–24)
  22. The Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:12–14; Luke 15:3–7)
  23. The Unmerciful Servant (Matthew 18:23–34)
  24. The Lost Coin (Luke 15:8–10)
  25. The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11–32)
  26. The Dishonest Steward (Luke 16:1–8)
  27. The Master and His Servant (Luke 17:7–10)
  28. The Widow and the Unjust Judge (Luke 18:1–8)
  29. The Laborers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1–16)
  30. The Wicked Vine Dressers (Matthew 21:33–46; Mark 12:1–12; Luke 20:9–19)
  31. The Two Sons (Matthew 21:28–31)
  32. The Wedding Banquet (Matthew 22:1–14)
  33. Faithful vs. Wicked Servants (Matthew 24:45–51; Mark 13:32–37; Luke 12:41–48)
  34. The Wise and Foolish Virgins (Matthew 25:1–13)
  35. The Three Servants and the Talents (Matthew 25:14–30)
  36. The Ten Minas (Luke 19:12–27)
  37. The Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25:31–46)
  38. The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19–31) [Some consider this to be a parable; others consider it to be a true story that Jesus told.]

Additionally, there are parables found in the Old Testament and non-canonical texts, but the above list focuses on the parables attributed to Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels[1][2].


Here’s a brief summary of each of the 40 parables mentioned:

  1. The Two Builders: Teaches the importance of building one’s life on the solid foundation of Jesus’ teachings.
  2. The Sprouting Seed: Illustrates the Kingdom of God’s mysterious, self-growing nature.
  3. The Children of the Marketplace: Critiques people’s refusal to respond to John the Baptist and Jesus.
  4. The Unclean Spirit: Warns that a person cleaned of evil but empty of God is vulnerable to worse evil.
  5. Tree and Its Fruit: Emphasizes that good trees (people) produce good fruit (deeds).
  6. The Strongman’s House: Jesus explains His power over evil.
  7. The Sower and the Seed: Explains different responses to God’s word.
  8. The Wheat and the Tares: Warns against trying to judge between good and evil people prematurely.
  9. The Mustard Seed: Shows the Kingdom of God’s growth from small beginnings.
  10. Leaven in the Dough: Illustrates the pervasive growth of the Kingdom of God.
  11. The Hidden Treasure: Encourages sacrificing all for the Kingdom of Heaven.
  12. The Pearl of Great Price: Similar to the Hidden Treasure, values the Kingdom above all.
  13. The Dragnet: Describes the final judgment as a sorting of good and evil.
  14. Treasures New and Old: Encourages sharing both old and new teachings of the Kingdom.
  15. The Moneylender: Teaches forgiveness by comparing two debtors.
  16. The Good Samaritan: Defines a neighbor as anyone in need and encourages mercy.
  17. The Friend in Need: Encourages persistence in prayer.
  18. The Rich Fool: Warns against greed and living without regard for God.
  19. The Master’s Return: Encourages readiness for Jesus’ return.
  20. The Unfruitful Fig Tree: Warns of judgment on those who fail to repent.
  21. The Great Banquet: Illustrates God’s invitation to the Kingdom and people’s excuses.
  22. The Lost Sheep: Shows God’s joy in recovering sinners.
  23. The Unmerciful Servant: Emphasizes the need to forgive as God forgives.
  24. The Lost Coin: Similar to the Lost Sheep, celebrates finding the lost.
  25. The Prodigal Son: Highlights God’s forgiving nature and the joy in repentance.
  26. The Dishonest Steward: Advises prudent use of worldly resources for eternal benefits.
  27. The Master and His Servant: Teaches humility and duty without expectation of reward.
  28. The Widow and the Unjust Judge: Encourages persistent prayer and faith.
  29. The Laborers in the Vineyard: Challenges ideas of fairness, emphasizing God’s grace.
  30. The Wicked Vine Dressers: Warns religious leaders who reject Jesus.
  31. The Two Sons: Critiques those who promise obedience but do not follow through.
  32. The Wedding Banquet: Symbolizes God’s invitation to salvation and consequences of refusal.
  33. Faithful vs. Wicked Servants: Encourages faithfulness in anticipation of Jesus’ return.
  34. The Wise and Foolish Virgins: Stresses preparedness for the Kingdom of Heaven.
  35. The Three Servants and the Talents: Encourages using God-given gifts for His kingdom.
  36. The Ten Minas: Similar to the Talents, emphasizes stewardship and reward.
  37. The Sheep and the Goats: Describes the final judgment based on acts of mercy.
  38. The Rich Man and Lazarus: Warns of the consequences of ignoring the needy and the finality of judgment.
  39. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector: Teaches humility and repentance before God.
  40. The Persistent Widow: Encourages persistent faith and prayer.

These summaries capture the essence of each parable’s lesson or moral, reflecting the depth and diversity of Jesus’ teachings through these stories[1][2][3][4][5].
